Master bedrooms should be must be masterfully peaceful. My entire Texas house can be in disarray, but I keep my bedroom ironically pristine considering my messy habits. Here’s the thing: my day begins and ends in one room, so wrapping the day up in a pretty package makes even the most chaotic hours forgettable. Every other mess in my home is secondary, and those are sometimes shared with my husband, my friends, and my dogs. They love me enough to deal with some dirty dishes.
But my boudoir is MINE. Our’s. A private place where “do not disturb” is acceptably selfish.
I love my white down duvet cover that resembles a cloud and feels like one too. I quickly learned drinking red wine in bed was disastrous regardless of Oxiclean’s miraculous stain removal technology. Gone were the days of reckless midnight snacking, but my husband’s pet peeve was eliminated when crumbs were gone under the sheets.
I replaced boring lamps with hanging pendants that work brilliantly as bedside reading lights. Only after a couple head bumps, we finally learned to enter/exit the bed without bruises.
I love the way mirrors reflect light and makes rooms (seem) more expansive. Make sure the reflection faces windows, natural light, versus a dimly lit overhead light or TV. The criss cross pattern of the pendants also resemble the pattern of the bed; not too match-matchy, but just the right enough of textured flow.
Of course, Sally couldn’t help making her way front and center, making her debut to the world. Appropriately positioned in front of a throw pillow saying HEY YA’LL.
See more of my Texas house with my entryway overview.
Joyce vick says
I’m a first timer. Enjoyed your blog very much!
Whitney Kutch says
Thank you so much Joyce!!