Yes, really. Smile at the camera one last time before you start drooling.
You can string it, grate it, cube it, and queso it. (In Texas that’s a verb, in QUESo didn’t know.). It spans through all demographics, cultural lines, and boundaries. Brie is most likely slathered on a baguette with a glass of vino. Rotel knows it’s way around a tailgate party. And my Thanksgiving table, but not relevant…
I rounded up some savory and sweet cheese dishes while I was hungry on Pinterest. Sorry to say I haven’t tried these yet, (yes, i’m copping to that) but they reign supremely popular on the internet. Doesn’t that mean everything? Plus, this way we can try them TOGETHER, because cooking is synonymous with DIY, and I’m not that crafty. Yet.
Here’s how my cheese inspo went down last night.
Scrolling through some old Insta posts, I remembered re-posting this from Dallas Grilled Cheese Company. Note to self: must try this weekend. Conversation ensued:
Me: Is this the place we used to go?
Mr. K: no, that was Scardello’s.
Me: let’s go there NOW.
Mr. K: It’s almost 11:00. I’ll take you to both sandwich shops this week if you’ll let me go back to sleep.
I would be lying if I said I didn’t check on my PostMate app if Scardello’s deliver. They don’t. But when you can’t have something, you crave it more, and very specifically: the Snitch sandwich – one of the best southern cheese dishes in Texas. I refrained from posting on Instagram for guilt I’d be caught by one of my cheese mistress’.
Olli’s Garlic and Black Pepper Sopressatta, The Stag Cheddar, Arugula, Tomato and Volcano Mayo

Cheese 101 : only $40/person will make you a whiz. Reserve now, classes are booked until April. 18 cheeses, 2 glasses of wine, winner of D Magazines BEST OF BIG D! ( Did I mention 18 cheeses?) #Scardellos

Hello, beauties! You need tagged. #Scardellos
here are 5 essential Southern cheese dishes that will make you call Momma:
Jack Daniels Bacon Mac and Cheese
The Lee Brothers’ Pimento Cheese
Skinny Baked Garlic Cheese Grits
Do you see how dangerous cheese porn can be? Pinterest is the new Skinemax for dairy.
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