I think we can all agree 2016 was a crazy intense, amazing year full of highs and lows that helped shape us into better people. As we
step LEAP into a new year, our priorities must change so we can begin to understand our life with renewed purpose.
Traditionally, we make resolutions placing emphasis on changing the things we do wrong. Resolutions can be great, but this year I want to focus on a revolution: a bold lifestyle readjustment focusing on the BIG picture and the tweaks to propel us in the right direction. I am a firm believer in the benefits of setting goals customized for you versus following the masses. Don’t be a sheep herded by popular trends; truly being happy is all about training your mind to think for yourself. So, for 2017 I want to share some powerful words to live by that require both action and discipline to become your most authentic self. I am confident with lots of hard work and mindfulness, I will look back at this year and know I embodied each of them in my daily life and accomplished my 2017 goals. Are you with me? Here we go…
Growth: This year is all about growth for me. So many aspects of my world are changing for the better, and I want to grow exponentially. Personally, it is all about putting in the extra hours and adding to the love of my husband & family, growing my life with friends, developing a good business, and helping others grow as well. As a child, it is expected that you spend every year growing up; but sometimes as adults we forget we still have a long way to go. Instead of being content with staying the same, one of my goals for 2017 is to push myself every day. I believe being mindful of opportunistic moments, I MUST put myself out there in order to further my maturity and wisdom. My goals may change daily but that is the beauty of growth.
Intention: Wow. Out of all my 2017 goals, this one is most important to me. I will wake up every day knowing I have an intentional purpose, and knowing that my intention will promote change. I believe this will help me make an impact on the world and give me specific goals to lead all of my actions. First and foremost, I must live intentionally for Christ; allowing Him to show me His purpose and responding with obedience. This requires me listening with clear and meaningful impetus. I am DONE being selfish, and I am ready to let him lead! Surrendering is KEY.
Positivity: I want this blog to convey positivity. Ironically, reading all the sad and negative things published every day actually encourages me to spread the good in the world; I not only feel responsible to share, but it gets me excited to spread it! I hope I can be a positive voice to my friends (aka all of you reading) and let that infiltrate every second of my days. There is no doubt that when positivity leads the way, personal achievements follow. I am so DONE with allowing negativity to creep into my blessed and incredible life. There’s no room for it, so keep it out! Consider this: blocking out negative energy will make room for so much positivity to fulfill your life. Don’t let ANYTHING poison the perfect plan God has for you!
Health: If you’ve followed me for a while, you know how much I value mental and physical health, and the steps I take to achieve it; if you haven’t, I encourage you to go back and read my honest journey of navigating through eating disorders and depression. It’s been tough, y’all! More than ever, I want to not only keep my body in line with my mind, but take my healthy lifestyle to the next level. I love being in charge of my life, making health a priority, and living in a stabilized environment. But, I’m not staying stagnant: Nothing will be excessive this year: anxiety, relaxation, laziness, anger, or striving for perfection. I hope, pray and strive to maintain a healthy relationship with every feeling and moment: embracing them all but not letting a SINGLE one rule my life.Fullness: Man, I want to feel full. Full of life. Full of love. Full of Jesus. I want to feel fulfilled by so many small things that I can continue going to bed happy and waking up rejoicing the day. Having trials has taught me to appreciate the good times so you can get through the bad, and being full of light is all that I really have at the end of the day. Ultimately, being full with Joy has nothing to do with being full of happiness. (More on that in another post.). I hope I fully radiate my joy to the point it’s contagious – this is one of my ultimate life aspirations.
Faith: One of my 2017 goals is that I want to have faith in myself. I have so much faith in God, and I want to really continue that practice into all aspects of my journey. When life gives me lemons, I hope I can honestly say I have faith that HE and I will work together to make them into lemonade. I hope for faithful relationships, faithful promises, and faithful experiences to continue to bless my days this year.
Progress: This is similar to growth, but there’s a significant difference. While growth is a measurable increase in size, progression is a series of actions that get you there. I will do hard work to attain growth; it won’t happen without me strategically leaping ; but, even in short hops, i can make it towards my growth goals. It will take a lot of time and energy that we sometimes do not have on our own to get there. This year I am committed to making my dreams come true. From career aspirations to getting more comfortable in the kitchen, progress sure ain’t easy, but I am so making it happen!
As we head into the new year of our lives, I want to say thank you for giving me so much to live for. Every single one of you is worthy of my complete love, and I am such a proud friend of yours, even if I have never met you. Cheers to a fantastic, fun, full of life new year! I can’t wait to see what big plans the universe has in store for us.
Follow me on Insta @hellowhitneyxo (yep, just click on that link!) or shoot me a comment and let me in on your 2017 goals and words to live by!
Tiff says
A W E S O M E!!!!!! Awesome words by an awesome sister!
Didi says
Great! Inspirational, very positive, and uplifting!!! Enjoyed reading. Thank you!!!
Kimmie says
This was an amazing read, hit me so close to home as to how I am and what I’m wanting to change in my life, things I need to change , and how I need to grow! Thanks for the positivity!! AWESOME. Just AWESOME. Thanks xo kimmie
Whitney Kutch says
I’m SO glad you liked it! When what i write hits home with my readers, I’ve done my job! It’s all for you guys. xoxo