There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, more ridiculous than gaining pounds from calorie free water. It’s supposed to be our friend. Not an enemy waiting to create a muffin top when we have not put a single carb in our mouth all week. Here are 5 simple tips that have helped me make water my friend.
1. SKIP THE SALT: “NOdium” is my sodium-free diet that has worked wonders for puffy syndrome. No more Preparation H for under eyes and my wedding ring actually fits without cutting off my circulation after indulging in spicy tuna rolls. Does that mean I have to stay away from sushi altogether? Say good bye to the love of my life? NOOOOOoooooooooo!!!!! So, what’s a girl to do without soy-sauce? I’ve found a substitute that is 50% less sodium and in a blind taste test, (drum roll, please)….it kicks Kikkoman’s ass! Hello to my new little friend, BRAGG Liquid Aminos. Check out the brand and all the products / health benefits they have.
2. SWEAT it out: I’d rather run to a sauna than actually run. I hate intense cardio, so I’ve been adding hot yoga AFTER my Bar Method classes 3 times a week. I call it “chasing the heat”, b/c Fire classes at Sunstone Yoga are pretty scarce now that they have added onto their original Chinese 5 elemental classes. I had enough trouble dodging Wood, Metal, Earth, and Water. Sigh. I’m lucky to have a steam sauna too, so many times my husband will find me doing triangle pose in a cloud of steam. What a great way to beat the water weight!
3. H to the 2 to the OH: Drink more water!!! It may seem contradictory, by staying hydrated is necessary to your body releasing fluids (AKA water weight) and getting rid of any food that may cause bloating. (Hello, salt.) Basically, when you’re body is dehydrated, it will store water leading to more water weight. Don’t believe me? Do some research and you’ll find that at least 8 glasses of water a day actually HELPS lose the water weight you don’t want. Think of it as flushing the bad water with good water. However, SIP throughout the day versus chugging. Taking in small amounts (preferably not ice cold) will aid in digesting food faster.
4. Toss the Scale: Hide it, gift it to an enemy. Donate to your gym. I one time fluctuated 7 pounds in one day. That shouldn’t be documented. But my scale made me do it. Never again.
5. Stretchy clothes: Regardless of what precautions we take to avoid bloat, it’s going to happen. We are females. Embrace it. When you’re feeling a bit puffy, why punish yourself and put on those skinny jeans? Are you a masochist? Here’s a tip that works for me (most of the time): Go to bed in yoga pants and a tee-shirt that basically doubles as PJ’s and wake up READY to head to the gym. Bed head never looked so polished in class the next morning. YAWN then stretch, girls!
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