I wake up much happier after a good night’s sleep, especially after a cup of nitro cold brew! And don’t we all? Sleep affects us physically, mentally, and emotionally and, if we don’t get enough hours of sleep, we certainly feel it.
But according to the American Sleep Association, 15-20% of U.S. adults have a sleep disorder. I’m certainly not alone when it comes to insomnia!
But my sleep quality has improved dramatically with help from Julia Worrall, @theSleepRN. Check out our video chat discussing how mental health is linked to breathing and sleep on my Instagram.
Five Tips for Better Sleep
1. Seven hours isn’t enough. Just because your eyes are closed doesn’t mean you’re getting quality sleep. I recommend downloading an app like Auto Sleep to track your heart rate, sleep cycles, and sleep quality to give you a more detailed view of your sleep trends.
2. Consistency is key. If you’ve ever had jet lag, you know how it feels when your internal clock is out of whack. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day also improves metabolism, growth hormones, and overall health.

3. Sleep cooler. A drop in temperature signals to your body that it’s time for bed, so crank the AC down and sleep in breathable, natural fibers like this cute sleep set from Cozy Earth.
4. No alcohol before bed. Just because that glass of wine helps you fall asleep faster doesn’t mean it helps you sleep better. In fact, medical studies show that alcohol suppresses melatonin, decreases REM cycles, and contributes to next-day fatigue and irritability.
5. No screens in bed. Studies show that artificial light exposure between dusk and the time we go to bed makes it more difficult to fall and stay asleep. I moved my electronic docking station out of the bedroom so I’m forced to leave my iPhone, iPad, and laptop charging in another room while I sleep.
Do you have any sleep tricks? How many hours of sleep do you get a night? Let me know in the comments!
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